Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area to boost Belt & Road International Cooperation
25th Jun 2024 / 4

Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area to boost Belt & Road International Cooperation

In the afternoon on 22nd June, the launching ceremony of the Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area and the International Cooperation and Exchange Conference on Medical Technology with the theme of "Promoting High-level Opening and Creating a Great Health Era" were successfully held.


At the launching ceremony, the Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area was officially unveiled. The center aims to build an open full-industry chain, full-process, one-stop innovation service platform, widely attract global medical technology innovation projects and high-end talents to land, and actively promote domestic high-quality medical device products and enterprises to go overseas, creating a new area with global linkage and international influence in medical device innovation. Characteristic business. At the ceremony, international experts such as university presidents and medical school deans from 13 countries including Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Malaysia were appointed as expert committee members of the newly-unveiled Medical Device Innovation Center.


The center aims to build an open, full-industrial chain, full-process, one-stop innovation service platform, widely attract global medical technology innovation projects and high-end talents, and actively promote China’s high-quality medical device products and enterprises to go global, creating a new front with global linkage and international influence.

Professor Cheng Yunzhang of Shanghai University of Technology was appointed as the "Director of the Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area". 


At the International Cooperation and Exchange Conference, Jiang Deyuan, a senior regulatory expert in my country and former director of the Medical Device Registration Department of the State Food and Drug Administration, delivered a keynote report entitled "Development of the Medical Device Industry and Scientific Supervision". Efremov Anatoly Vasilyevich, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, introduced the "Overview of the Russian medical system, biomedicine, and medical equipment and opportunities for cooperation between China and Russia" to the conference, and Professor Cheng Yunzhang shared the future development plan of the Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area.


At the meeting, many institutions were listed in the Medical Device Innovation Center of the New Area. Medical technology-related projects from Canada, Belarus, Uzbekistan and other countries signed landing agreements at the meeting. Universities, medical schools, hospitals and the Medical Device Innovation Center of the Lingang New Area signed cooperation and construction agreements around "innovation transformation, education and training, and international exchanges" at the meeting. The entry of many heavyweight units and the signing of cooperation agreements will jointly carry out a series of activities such as medical technology innovation and transformation, talent training, international cooperation, and scientific and technological services with the Lingang Medical Device Innovation Center, which will not only strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between countries in the field of medical technology, but also provide more opportunities and impetus for the development of medical technology in the Lingang New Area.


During the event, domestic and foreign guests jointly launched the "2024 MDinno Shanghai (International) High-end Medical Device Innovation Competition". The competition is hosted by the Medical Device Innovation Center of the Lingang New Area and will be held from June to September. The competition widely collects and explores the innovative needs and projects of medical devices at home and abroad, gives full play to the service capabilities of the Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area, provides one-stop and comprehensive incubation and acceleration services for various innovative projects, accelerates the growth and implementation of projects, and serves the development of the industry.

“Chinese modern technologies are set to revolutionize Pakistan's healthcare system through the ambitious China-Pakistan Health Corridor initiative. This collaborative effort aims to enhance medical infrastructure, improve patient care, and streamline health services across Pakistan”, said Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz, President of China Pakistan Medical Association (CPMA).


Addressing the launching ceremony of the Medical Device Innovation Center of Lingang New Area and the International Cooperation and Exchange Conference on Medical Technology with the theme of "Promoting High-level Opening and Creating a Great Health Era" on Saturday in Liangang, Shanghai, he said that by integrating advanced technologies and expertise from China, the initiative promises to address critical healthcare challenges, ensuring better health outcomes and increased access to quality medical services for millions of Pakistanis.


Jin Xiaotao, President of the China Health Information and Health Medical Big Data Society and former Deputy Director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, Yang Shengli, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the Shanghai Academician Center, Arsen Asylbekovich Aidaraliev, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan and President of the International University of Kyrgyzstan, Jiang Deyuan, former Director of the Medical Device Registration Department of the State Food and Drug Administration, Wu Xiaohua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Lingang New Area, Qu Wei, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Zhang Zhong, Vice President of Shanghai University of Technology, Gong Wei, Vice President of Lingang Group, Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz, President of China Pakistan Medical Association,  managers, clinicians, and corporate executives of well-known tertiary hospitals in Shanghai, as well as about 30 university presidents, deans of medical schools and other overseas experts from 13 countries including Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Malaysia participated in the event.


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