China’s Hangzhou fully prepared to host 19th Asian Games
18th Jun 2023 / 0

China’s Hangzhou fully prepared to host 19th Asian Games

China’s Hangzhou is fully prepared to host the 19th Asian Games as construction of all venues and fa-cilities was completed in April.

The two-week sporting event which was post-poned last year because of Covid-19, will be held from Sept 23 to Oct. 8 this year.

All the venues for the games have passed their acceptance inspection. Also, over 30 test events and rehearsals of the events have been completed, a group of international media was briefed during a press tour organized by Xinhua.

The member of media visited Hangzhou E-sports Center, LGD Club, Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center, Tennis Center and Swimming Center.

Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province and one of the seven ancient capitals of China will host the Asian Games with a focus on green and sustain-able principles supported by high-tech, according to organizers.

Green energy sources, such as solar and wind power, have been widely implemented in all the Games venues. Furthermore, online services, digital products.—APP


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