Currency exchange rates in Pakistan today – February 26, 2024
26th Feb 2024 / 0

Currency exchange rates in Pakistan today – February 26, 2024

KARACHI – The exchange rate for one US Dollar against Pakistani rupees was recorded at Rs 279.6 in the local and open market, with a selling rate of Rs 282.4 on Monday, February 26, 2024.

Note: Exchange rates can vary based on the location and the Exchange Company or bank involved in the transaction. Below are the foreign and local currency exchange rates for the US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling, European Euro, UAE Dirham, Saudi Riyal, and other foreign currencies in Pakistan’s open market.

  US DollarUSD 279.6 282.4
  EuroEUR 302 305
  UK Pound SterlingGBP352.5 356
 U.A.E DirhamAED75.95 76.7
 Saudi RiyalSAR74.5 75.5
 Australian DollarAUD181 183
 Bahrain DinarBHD743  751
 Canadian DollarCAD207  209
 China YuanCNY 38.89 39.04
 Danish KroneDKK40.38 41.06
 Hong Kong DollarHKD35.74 36.22
 Indian RupeeIND3.39  3.48
 Japanese YenJPY1.90   2.00
 Kuwaiti DinarKWD902911
 Malaysian RinggitMYR58.4859.08
 New Zealand DollarNZD177.84179.84
 Norwegians KroneNOK 25.02 25.32
 Omani RiyalOMR  727  730
 Qatari RiyalQAR77.0477.74
 Singapore DollarSGD  207 209
 Swedish KoronaSEK25.98  26
 Swiss FrancCHF320.98 323.48
  Thai BhatTHB  7.76 7.91

The forex rates are subject to change based on market forces and foreign currency demands, although they are updated at 09:00 AM on Pakistan Standard Time (PST).


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